For users.

Usage instead of ownership

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexityand Ambiguity- in the age of digitalization, companies and executives face complex challenges in the VUCA world. Companies need financing solutions that reflect reality. This is the only way to stay competitive in complex markets.

Usage-based advantages.

Asset as a Service solutions give companies more flexibility for less risk. This creates financial freedom for investments in the future.

User graphic

Pay per Use

Asset & Services

Purchase price & service revenue

Financial advantages

With the shift of capital expenditure Capex to operating expenditure Opex, the user gains new options for investments in the future. Moreover, the capital cost optimization and cash flow stability create framework conditions for higher complexity in production processes. Off-balance sheet accounting is the lever for better KPIs and ratings.

Strategic advantages

The user benefits from the transfer of operational risk to the full-service partners. The extended service offering increases output productivity and frees up capacity for the user's core competencies. The cap-on platform supports the use of real-time asset data and algorithms for predictive maintenance and intelligent capacity management.

Operational advantages

The asset's flexibility of use has an analogous effect on the user's liquidity and cost structure. With production according to variable demand, it is possible to react to fluctuations at short notice, while preserving liquidity: less demand, less use, less payment. Via the Asset as a Service model, the user receives guaranteed functionality of the asset. Monitoring and maintenance are controlled via the cap-on platform. In the process, data-driven equipment availability enables efficient and resource-conserving production as well as more sustainable business.

New digital services

"As a plant manufacturer and at the same time operator of production facilities for body construction, we can benefit as a company ourselves from new capital-extensive financing models. At the same time, we want to expand our business model as a plant manufacturer in the long term to include new digital services such as pay-per-use or equipment-as-a-service. To this end, we bring the knowledge of complex machine and plant control and cap-on the know-how for new financing models and digital billing systems."



thyssenkrupp AB
CEO & cap-on Advisory Board


What is the role of the user in the Asset as a Service model?

The user is provided with the asset and the services and pays on the basis of use or output. Depending on the accounting preference, the user's risk positioning, payment structure and contractual situation change.

Who owns the asset?

In the cap-on model, ownership of the asset can be transferred to the user, producer or financing partner, depending on the contract.

Which facilities are suitable for pay per use?

cap-on focuses primarily on the producing sector. However, depending on data connectivity, residual value development, recyclability, almost all assets are suitable for pay per use.

Which data is collected?

The usage data forms the basis for billing in the pay per use model. Depending on the service level, further data is required, which must be released by the asset user. Data from the assets can be transferred securely and encrypted to the cap-on cloud via the specially developed IoT gateway.