
Responsive financing

Pay per use instead of traditional financing: The cap-on financing solution is flexible and adapts to the reality of asset users. Individual usage data forms the billing basis in the X as a Service model.

XaaS Financing Advantages.

Opex instead of capex, elimination of high one-time investments and liquidity protection in the initial phase give users new freedom to react flexibly to market changes - especially in difficult times.

Traditional financing
Pay-per-use financing

Financial advantages

XAAS financing also enables the asset user to invest in difficult times, secured by individual shortfall solutions.

Strategic advantages

Capital restrictions or investment hurdles can be dissolved by XAAS financing. For instance, this makes it possible, to tap into new, strategically relevant customer groups which could not previously be served.

Operational advantages

cap-on's cross-industry pay-per-use model guarantees universal integration of a wide range of assets and products thanks to its scalable technological infrastructure.